Naked Rivals

Hot Lemon Detox Water

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Servings:  1
Preparation:  1 minute
Cooking time:  0 minutes


1 x Naked Rivals Lemon Cube
Slices of fresh Ginger
½ teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
A handful of Fresh Mint Leaves
250ml Purified Water
Optional: ½ teaspoon of honey


  1. Pop Naked Rivals Lemon Cube, Fresh Ginger, Cayenne Pepper, Fresh Mint Leaves into a large teacup or mug.
  2. Pour simmering water into the teacup/mug. If desired, sweeten your drink with Honey.


The combination of lemon with water will detox your liver from toxins and wake up your digestive track. The perfect detox drink to enjoy in the morning on an empty stomach.
